
Cinema Essentials is a growing database of articles and reviews on film and TV history, with a focus on the English language cinema. Individual film entries include a review, background information on the making and context of the film described and cast and principal crew credits. Other data includes running times, production companies, widescreen formats, colour processes and distributors. 

The articles on this site avoid gratuitous spoilers, but for the best known older films, it's safest to assume that some might slip through.

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Writing for Cinema Essentials
If you are interested in writing for Cinema Essentials, then please email cinemaessentials @gmail.com with samples of your writing.

If you are offering a highly paid film, television or book reviewing gig, or if you are looking for someone to write a history of the James Bond films, or if you want to contact the editor for any other reason, then you can use the email address cinemaessentials @gmail.com.

Copyright and Attribution
This website uses images from film and TV productions and publicity materials for the purposes of education, commentary and criticism on a fair use basis. If you are the copyright owner of an image on this site and feel that this usage violates your copyright, then please contact me and I will remove it.

Unless otherwise stated, all articles on this website are written by J. Watts. All written material is copyright J. Watts and Cinema Essentials, unless otherwise stated, and may not be reproduced without permission. Brief excerpts and quotes may be used, provided full credit is given to Cinema Essentials together with a link back to the original post or article.

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